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clock tower

It is an 18th century building that was probably originally a surveillance point from which to observe the arrival of possible invaders in the distance. The lower floor served as a jail with two dark cells with sturdy doors. On the lintel of its access door, which overlooks the town's main square, the date of 1741 is engraved


It is currently the headquarters of the Archaeological Museum of Lumbrales, and collects finds found in the El Abadengo region and its immediate surroundings donated by Eduardo Martín and Ignacio Pérez.

The objects are distributed in three rooms, following a chronological order that allows to acquire a vision of the different cultural moments through which the future of humanity has passed.
In one of the rooms on the ground floor there are exhibits from the Upper Acheulean period, the final moment of the Lower Paleolithic, with a dating of around 100,000 years BC.
Bifaces, trihedrons, cleavers, worked edges ... all of them made of quartzites, or boulders, so abundant on the banks of our rivers.

A panel explains the general characteristics of this cultural period and, more specifically, in our region. There is also a varied sample of cutting instruments, known generically as "axes", in addition to some percussionists or "hammers". The different nomenclatures of these instruments and the parameters that define them are detailed in another information panel.
On the ground you can see some barquiform grinders, dating from the beginnings of agriculture and sedentary life.

In the second room on the ground floor there is a display case with a sample of objects that appear in the Chalcolithic sites of the third millennium BC, very abundant in the region and especially in Cerralbo, where there is a site of singular interest.

You can see arrowheads, sickle elements, knife fragments, loom weights ... and an abundant representation of decorated ceramic fragments. Explanatory panels inform the visitor of the characteristics of the Chalcolithic. On display tables there are ceramic fragments from the "Soto de Medinilla" facies, fusayolas, fibula remains, ornaments ... and other objects from the 1st and 2nd Iron Age.


From Roman times we can see 14 coins from a denarius of Augustus, to coins of Constantine, loom weights, remains of large vessels and some tegulas with a potter's mark. Other finds out of archaeological context and some from the Visigoth period, complete this room.



In the upper room, after a brief journey from the most remote times of human occupation in the municipality of Lumbrales through different finds found in the town, we focus on the "Culture of the Castros", and more specifically on that of Las Merchanas, located in the northeast corner of our municipal area, with a period of occupation from the Second Iron Age to the second half of the 5th century. From all these periods we can find a great variety of ceramic, lithic and metallic remains that bring us closer to to the way of life of the ancient settlers, among which we can highlight a fragment of a glass paste necklace from the Second Iron Age, which shows a trade with the eastern world at such early dates and highlights the importance of the Castro.


From the same period we can see fragments of painted pottery, a fibula, etc. From the Roman period, some tegulas with seal from a collection with more than fifty different ones are exhibited, various fragments of decorated pottery ("Terra Sigillata", late Roman vessels), a lead sling projectile, a fragment of a marble statue (the only remaining of Roman statuary in the province), etc.

Some funerary stelae are also shown, among which one found in Lumbrales deserves to be mentioned, which has the particularity of appearing with a Greek name, Kaliope, which is strange in a Roman stele.

Informational posters and photographs place us in time and space throughout this walk through history.

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Lumbrales City Council

Plaza Mayor, 1. 37240 Lumbrales (Salamanca)

Telephone: 923 51 20 02 - Fax: 923 51 21 61


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