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The most important powers of the Plenary are:

  • The administration of the property of the municipality.

  • Urban planning.

  • The approval of budgets and municipal ordinances.

  • The contracting of certain works to be carried out in the municipality.

  • The ordinary sessions of the Plenary are held quarterly.

The Mayor is the President of the Corporation and holds, among others, the following attributions:

  • Direct the government and municipal administration.

  • Represent the City Council.

  • Summon and preside over the sessions of the Plenary.

  • Direct, inspect and promote municipal services and works.

  • Dictate sides.

  • The development of economic management in accordance with the approved budget.

Governing Board:

The Governing Board is chaired by the Mayor and its mission is to assist the Mayor, and assume the powers delegated to him by the Plenary, in addition to those assigned to him by delegation from the Mayor's Office.


Municipal Group:

  • Popular Municipal Group (PP)

  • Municipal Socialist Group (PSOE)

  • Municipal Citizens Group (C's)

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Lumbrales City Council

Plaza Mayor, 1. 37240 Lumbrales (Salamanca)

Telephone: 923 51 20 02 - Fax: 923 51 21 61


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